After last week’s note about taking advantage of HARO queries, I’ve received a number of questions about HOW you go about submitting a good pitch. If you missed last week’s content, HARO connects journalists seeking expertise to include in their content with sources (YOU!) who have that expertise.

It can be intimidating to write a pitch, I know it. But it’s not that hard if you just follow a few guidelines.

Here are my golden HARO rules:

  • Submit EXACTLY what the query asks for, nothing more and nothing less.
  • Keep it SHORT. Don’t spend hours writing a novel. All they are looking for are a few sentences max.
  • Write like you SPEAK. This is especially true if you feel like you are not a great writer. It’s fine! They are looking for content, not poetry!
  • Don’t OVERTHINK it. Write it down, and hit the send button. Done is much better than perfect.
  • Never include ATTACHMENTS of any kind - they will NOT go through.  If they ask for images, put them in a Dropbox folder and include the link in your pitch.
  • Include your name, business name, and website.
  • Finally, don’t miss the DEADLINE! The system cuts off the responses when the deadline expires, no exceptions.

These HARO submissions are great practice for other pitches because following the queries will help you understand what the journalists are looking for. And more importantly, it propels you into ACTION. 

I may sound like a broken record, but trust me, press coverage doesn’t just miraculously appear. There is a reason it is also known as EARNED coverage!

P.S. In my programs, we talk about HARO tips and tricks constantly, and I always tell my Insiders that it does get easier and they will get coverage if they keep up the submissions. By now they do believe me because that’s exactly what they have experienced!


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